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Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover

"You are not fool's gold, shining only under a particular light.  Whomever you become, whatever you make yourself into, that is who you always were.  It was always in you."  [quoting Dr. Kerry of BYU] p. 242

"To admit uncertainty is to admit weakness, to powerlessness, and to believe in yourself despite both...In this frailty there is strength: the conviction to live in your own mind, and not someone else's.  I have often wondered if the most powerful words I wrote that night [were] I don't know.  I just don't know.  Not knowing for certain, but refusing to give way to those who claim certainty, was a privilege I had never allowed myself."  p. 197

*It was interesting to see how the author's experiences affected her life and her faith.  It helps me remember to try not to judge because I have no idea what people have gone through and why they do some of the things they do. 


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