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The Gratitude Diaries by Janice Kaplan

"When you expect everything, it's hard to be grateful for anything." p. 27-28

Money can make us superficially happy, but gratitude contributes to our overall well-being.  And having more money doesn't make us more grateful.  p. 125-6

"Gratitude is stopping to appreciate the goodness already in your life."  p. 126

"Nothing is enough for the man to whom enough is too little."  p. 128 (from Epicurus)

"If you trade your expectations for appreciation, the world instantly changes."  p. 149 (from Tony Robbins)

"Instead of being afraid of food because it might make me fat, every meal became a celebration."  p. 229 (Regarding the 'Gratitude Diet')

"If you're in a negative mood, you want something that will make you feel better right now.  When you're in a positive mood, you think more about how you'll feel in the long term."  p. 222

"Gratitude was a way of finding good in everything."  p. 253

"Gratitude [doesn't] depend on the right events or even the right decisions, but how I [process] them.  Gratitude [gives] you back control."p.  280

We don't have to wonder what will come in the future.  We decide for ourselves.  Bring the right mood and spirit to each day and you can create the best day of your life.  p. 302 (paraphrased)


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