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I'm Proud of You by Tim Madigan (biography on Mister Rogers)

"Anything mentionable is manageable."  p. 2-3

"It was his unique capacity for relationship, what Esquire magazine writer Tom Junod once called a 'fearlessness, an unashamed insistence on intimacy.'  That was true with almost every person he met be it television's Katie Couric...or a New York City cabdriver..."  p. 6

"Do you know the most important thing in the world to me right now?  Fred asked me that day. 

No, I said.

Talking to Mr. Tim Madigan on the telephone."  p. 14

"What is essential is invisible to the eyes."  p. 16 (quote from The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"The great illusion of leadership is to think that others can be led out of the desert by someone who has never been there."  p. 61

"We acquire things, ideas, people, holding onto them tight, expecting to be enriched by adding on more and more  All the while, God is whispering gently in our hearts saying:
Let go, dear one.  I want to make something marvelous of you.  Loosen up.  Drop what is in your hand, your mind, your heart, and let me take over.  I love you and have plans for you that pass your wildest imaginings.  Only you must let me be in charge."    (From The Living Faith a monthly Catholic publication) p. 105

"Every second is sacred time, on one way or another."  p. 111


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